Final term can be daunting, with a number of summative assignments due in and weeks of exams ahead of you. But try not to stress too much, it'll all be over soon. In fact in a few weeks you'll probably be sitting on the sunny riverbanks, Pimms in hand with not a care in the world (Ok so I can't promise you sun, but you get my gist!).
Here are a few tips I learnt whilst at uni to avoid going into total meltdown:
1. Look after yourself: Ok so 'Mummy Pia' alert but it's really important that you fuel your body correctly. It's so easy to just grab a bottle of coke, scoff that bar of chocolate and spend all night in the library crying into your notes. But seriously, go to bed and get enough sleep, eat some fruit and veg, drink lots of water and try and do some exercise. You really will feel loads better!
2. STOP PROCRASTINATING! Taking an occasional break is a must; however it's so easy to fall into the trap of severe procrastination. Stop Facebooking, Tweeting or cleaning that bathroom that hasn't been cleaned in weeks! Just get on with what you need to do... and NO, ... read more