Register Internal Trade Account

University merchandise is available to buy at a reduced price if you would like to provide the items as a corporate gift, such as for international guests. In order to be eligible to register as an internal customer, you must supply a departmental email address (for example -, rather than a personal email account), as this allows us to validate your usage.

Internal prices are only available for business use only, and must be authorised by your budget officer. Payment is taken by an Internal Trading Form, and orders will be sent through the internal post within 7 days.

Many of our items are also suitable for promotional use, such as the conference packs. If you have a large event where you would like to give out University-branded items (more than 50 of an item), please contact us with at least 4 week's notice, so that we can order in the volumes needed for you.

If you are purchasing items for personal use, (such as a leaving present for a colleague), for delivery to an internal address, we can deliver this free of charge using the internal mail system. Please use your personal email account for these items.

Orders will be fulfilled subject to availability of stock. Should your items be unavailable, a member of the Retail Team will be in touch to offer alternatives.

If you accept the terms of this account, please fill in the form below to be able to access the Internal Trade Account for the website.

Contact Details

Please enter the details you would like us to contact you on.

Department Address

Please enter the department's address below.